For guidance on using flora distribution categories, see WP:PLANTS/Using the WGSRPD.
This category contains the native flora of South Carolina as defined by the World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Taxa of the lowest rank are always included; taxa of higher ranks (e.g. genus) are only included if monotypic or endemic.
Include taxa here that are endemic or have restricted distributions (e.g. only a few countries). Use regional categories when taxa have a larger distribution that is approximately coincides by that taxon's distribution (e.g. Category:Flora of the Southeastern United States) instead of each subordinate category of that region.
Reading Rooster Recommends - May 9, 2016 - Helen Fellers recommends children's and young adult books from the SC Center for Children's Books and Literacy. See previous "Reading Rooster Recommends" videos at